Enabling those who work in challenging circumstances and volatile environments
“Serving those who contribute to the world” is our motto. INGOs are a prime example of institutions aiming for that objective. With an inclusive approach to serve both international and national staff, we work together with smaller and large-scale NGOs and faith-based organizations, serving humanitarians, missionaries, medical staff, human rights workers, journalists, and many more around the world. We look at a risk security model that fits the needs of the type and scale of the organization we work with at any given time and place.
As several of our staff are former civil servants, we appreciate our relations with governmental institutions. This takes form in participating in trainings or offering advice to the Dutch Foreign Service, Ministry of Security and Justice, and Ministry of Internal Affairs. We have also offered security and crisis management support to several European institutions.
Translating international security standards into local solutions is an art. It requires a heart that treasures the local cultures and sensitive actions to raise awareness levels. Moreover, it requires a creative mind to implement local workable solutions that lead to behavioral change. Growing is always a process and should be handled as such. Our consultants at Global Risk Advice have extensive experience in these processes. We love to travel to your location, get to know you, and support your local partners in enhancing their security management on-site.
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“Really impressed by the professionalism, friendliness, expertise of these trainings. It feels safe to learn. Both inexperienced as experienced travelers can learn and grow from these trainings.”
“A few weeks after taking your training, my colleague and I were threatened by a sharp knife and a passport and phone were stolen. It was as if the perpetrators had taken the training themselves because they did exactly what we practiced at the training. We remained unharmed. Compliments for the training and trainers.”
“The team at Global Risk Advice was able to create a very safe and great learning environment, all the while addressing a serious topic.”